Bandár Márton gasztronómiai szakértő előadása - 2023.02.28.

Kép 1.Új.jpgFor he Students of the KGNM_TRTA078 Gastronomic management course: Mr. Márton Bandár, expert of gastronomy gave a lecture about whisk(e)y 28th February 2023.

From his presentation the audience could learn:

  • Why the swan necks of the stills have different shapes,
  • which spirits can be called bourbon,
  • what the real whisky glass is like,

what role this drink has in gastronomy, not only as a digestive, but what kind of whisk(e)y do we have to choose to sushi, smoked salmon, oysters, beefsteak, cheese or chocolate.

   Kép 2.jpg  Kép 3.jpg


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